Biopolitical Times

The Center for Genetics and Society blog highlights the latest developments in the social, political, and ethical implications of human biotechnologies, with contributions from staff, fellows, consultants, and guest authors.


Yellow book cover with a large orange pill casting a dramatic shadow. Text reads "Carl Elliott" "The Occasional Human Sacrifice"

If you’re looking for a book where good triumphs over evil, The Occasional Human Sacrifice: Medical Experimentation and the Cost of Saying No, isn’t it. But hear me out: you were looking for the wrong book, and you will understand why if you give this a read. 

Carl Elliott, Professor of Philosophy and Medical Ethics at the University of Minnesota, provides a nuanced look into the history of medical research scandals and the whistleblowers who bring these stories...

Biopolitical Times

CGS is excited to announce the launch of a new anti-eugenics initiative that has been years in the making. Legacies of Eugenics in Science, Medicine, and Technology kicks off with a monthly essay series published at the Los Angeles Review of Books that will expose and contest the reemergence of eugenic ideas in contemporary health sciences, human biotechnology, public health, and medicine. Community and campus-based events featuring the authors are also being planned. The project is a collaboration among CGS...

Not the species, certainly, but the Institute of that name, which was founded by transhumanist philosopher Nick Bostrom in 2005 as a research group at Oxford University. According to a recently posted Final Report, its goal was “to pursue...

CGS’ Gender Justice and Disability Rights Coalition has just released Social Justice and Human Rights Principles for Global Deliberations on Heritable Genome Editing. The Principles explicitly center gender justice, disability rights, and human rights in deliberations addressing heritable genome...